Sharing our lighting knowledge with universities.
From upgrades to LED lights to specialist lamps and lights for scientific applications, education campuses and universities across Australia have a broad range of lighting and light management requirements. At Lamp Replacements Australia, we are able to fulfil them all.
Specialist lighting for the education sector
We understand the needs of education organisations because we advise, supply and install lighting solutions for a host of campuses throughout Australia.
These include:
University of Western Australia
Edith Cowan University, WA
Curtin University, Western Australia
Murdoch University, WA
LaTrobe University, Victoria, Australia
RMIT, Melbourne
University of Queensland
Griffith University, Brisbane
James Cook University, Queensland
In addition to general lighting services for universities across Australia , including lighting design and maintenance solutions, we source and install lamps for a host of specialist applications, including:
Growth lamps
Infrared and UV lights
LCD projector lamps
LED lights
Lights for conventional projectors
View some of our recent projects below
Car park LED lights, ECU, Western Australia
Project details: A replacement program consisting of LED lights that reduce energy usage and maintenance in two new car parks. We carried out lighting design investigations to ensure compliance with AS/NZS1158, resulting in the decision to use 112W LED street lights.
The result was so impressive that the existing 250w streetlights on the access roads have now been upgraded to LED lights too.
ECU Joondalup, Mount Lawley and Bunbury Pathway Lighting
Project details: Across these locations, we supplied and installed over 400 new poles and fittings, replacing old opal spheres with MV lamps.
Oxley College, Chirnside Park, Melbourne
Project details: Oxley College is a very energy conscious school untilising almost 100% solar power generated from every roof in the school. The College required an upgrade for 27 rarer sized 600 x 600mm PLL36 x double troffers. Utilising plusrite panels, LRA increased lux levels of the college by 10% while achieveing a pay back of the project of 35 months.
LED Pedestrian Tunnel Lighting, Crawley Perth, Western Australia
Project details: Pedestrian tunnels at UWA required an upgrade to a vandal proof, tough LED lighting solution, the existing lighting set up was run down and in need of replacement, with some fixtures not lighting up due to broken tubes/lamps.
All tunnels have since been upgraded to reuse existing fixtures reconfigured and modified to suit LED lamp replacements, this provides a modular and long term solution with a lower maintenance cost while improving visibility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists alike.
Below is an example of one tunnel that was reconfigured to suit a standard LED retrofit lamp
Health and Wellness Building, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Western Australia
Project details: A whole-building solution comprising a mixture of LED lights and traditional fixtures for ECU’s cross-disciplinary health and wellness research centre.
Engineering Building, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
Project details: We developed a holistic solution for the whole of this new state-of-the-art building, mixing traditional and new lights, including up and down LED exterior lights – an energy efficient approach in line with the building’s sustainable engineering ethos and advanced building management system.
Exterior lighting upgrade, Curtin University, Western Australia
Project details: This project involved replacing 180 125W MV post-top fittings with new energy efficient metal halide post tops, reducing virtually all upward light, while improving the lighting level and creating a more pleasing ambience for students and staff.
Library (LED lights upgrade), Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
Project details: Our solution focused on replacing existing metal halide highbays that were mounted high above shelving and furniture, making it hard to change lamps. We recommended swapping all the existing 250W metal halide highbays with 88 new custom-built LED highbays, eliminating maintenance and providing huge energy savings.
Exterior lighting upgrade, WA School of Mines
Project details: The existing lighting was very poor, with a mixture of exterior bunkers ranging from incandescent to PL and domestic type post-tops producing glary, ineffective light. Our plan involved upgrading all wall-mounted bulkheads to one uniform wattage and style, as well as adding new 3.5m poles along main pathways, creating a safe, aesthetically pleasing environment for students and staff.
Interior lighting upgrade, Thornlie Library, Western Australia
Project details: In a complete lighting refurbishment, we replaced existing 2x36w recessed prismatic fittings with new 1x28w T5 MIRO5 louvre fittings, saving over 50% in energy and complying with AS1680 for libraries.
Got a question? Check out our FAQs or read our Lighting Ed page, which is full of vital information about LED lights in Australia. Alternatively, contact us to discuss you unique lighting requirements.